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Please sir, I want some more*

Updated: Sep 2, 2019

Every minute, 1 million plastic bottles are bought around the world. Don’t want to be part of that? Then be part of this: the refill revolution. Excitingly, this week we were the first Practice in York to sign up to the Refill campaign to provide free water refills for folks who bring in their own bottles - not just our own patients but passers-by as well. Even as I write, there’s a shiny blue sticker wending its way to the front window of our Copmanthorpe branch. Look out for it!

Anyone who’s visited my room will likely remember being grilled about how much water they drink. Struggling to lose weight? Abdominal pain? Headaches, you say? Urinary symptoms for HOW long? Tired? Stressed? Constipated? Just a handful of common conditions that are often caused by or made significantly worse by not drinking enough. Did you know your brain is 75% water? Please feed it! And yes of course I’m not talking about alcohol, don't guffaw over in the corner and pretend it counts as a nutritional fluid. Pity.

So bring your refillable bottle next time you come to collect your prescription or book your medication review (more on that soon), and watch our little faces light up as we imagine the health benefits going on inside as you glug away. Help yourself in the front porch sink, or ask at Reception. Use it as an excuse to meet our lovely new colleague Angela who has recently joined the Reception team.

Download the Refill app to find more free refill places in York and beyond; each time you fill up and click 'Refill', the app (not you) gives 13p to reducing plastic pollution . Win-win!

*And there’s no need to address us as ‘sir’. Although I wouldn’t say no to a knighthood...

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