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OSMP goes green!

Welcome to our blog on how Old School Medical Practice is trying to become more environmentally sustainable.

We are thinking about the challenges facing our patients and the NHS as a result of climate change, and we want to try to improve our carbon footprint.

How can we support our patients and staff to stay healthy and well in ways that are as eco-friendly as possible?

As part of the national scheme 'Green Impact for Health' that other GP surgeries are also taking part in, we will be reviewing the way we work and care for our patients, to see how we can improve.

What do you think about the impact the NHS has on the environment? Perhaps you have some ideas about how we could improve here at OSMP? Please get in touch if you have any ideas - we would love to hear from our patients.

Look out for the next update coming soon...

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1 Kommentar

29. Jan. 2020

So good to see efforts like this to reduce our NHS's carbon footprint. My first suggestion would be for all hospitals to install solar panels on their rooftops. Obviously of seasonal advantage and ineffective at night but it would certainly be step in the right direction.

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